How essential are websites for a business in modern world?

Think about the last time you had no access to the internet for a while. Think about how you felt then, to not be able to reach anyone, not be able to browse favorite apps/websites and that sense of helplessness. This is how it would feel to a business that did not have a website. Today, we live in a connected world—we have unlimited access to vast information at our fingertips and nothing seems impossible—imagine someone looking for a service or a product or information on the internet and somewhere in this world a company having that service/product/information exists but does not have an online presence.

Food for thought for all the 29% of the small businesses that don’t have a website yet.
If your business happens to be in this category, then it simply means you’re losing out on a huge chunk of business to your competitors that have good online presence with their websites.  The question is not if you are missing customers by not having a website, but it is how many customers you are missing out on by not having one. Before you decide to not consider websites important, think about these 3 benefits:

Round the clock availability: You may or may not be physically available for your customers and prospects all the time to explain your products or services, collect feedback and generate interest in them but your website will always be there to do this job for you. A recent study revealed that Google handles more than 2 trillion searches every year, this just goes to show the kind of traffic google can give you any time of the day from any location (depending on the product/service you offer) and your website will be explanatory enough to make them aware of your services and maybe generate leads to keep you busy enough with the prospects.

Branding: A good user experience on your website will result in repeat visits, good positioning and referrals to your products/services and visitors will certainly keep your business in mind for future reference even if they don’t require your services or products at that very moment. Because this is their first touchpoint, it is not unusual for them to make assumptions on the service quality and decide whether they would like to connect with you for business. They can either completely dismiss your existence or be impressed with the experience and dwell in brand advocacy.

Revenue: Like previously explained if website visitors like what you are offering and how you are offering, they will prepare themselves to do business with you, and let’s say your website is enabled to sell products or services then there is a high chance that they will end up purchasing them even during unusual hours or the day. Even if there is no direct way to make purchases, the website can always have a call-to-action to third party or ecommerce websites that sell on your behalf. Either way, you get a good boost in sales and revenue.

To conclude, it is a proven fact that if a business does not have a website by now, they are losing out on a lot of things including awareness, positioning and revenue. 92% of the small business that do not have a website by now have promised to get one by the end of 2018, as it wouldn’t hurt to invest a bit in the first step towards creating online presence and get started with the round the clock availability and getting business without actually doing anything physically. 

Brand Studioz


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